“No matter what you do, you probably already are someone at your workplace,” says Eikenberg.“People know you. In many cases, they love you and think very highly of you. There are few more powerful things than the basic human desire of feeling connected, feeling known, and feeling heard. Don’t discount the importance of working somewhere you have a track record, a reputation, or a brand. Don’t undervalue the importance of what you’ve already created, right where you are. The relationships you’ve grown and the reputation you’ve earned are worth measuring as you think about change.”
Are there more important things to focus on?
It’s also important to look at how focusing energy somewhere else in your life can provide the change you need. It may not be the job, career, or workplace that needs a refresh, but something in your personal life, and you just may not know it.
“As humans, we have a limit to how many things we can focus on at once and not break,” says Eikenberg. “Don’t kid yourself. You’re not a computer, and adding a new chip to your brain so you can process more data isn’t possible. Can you really make this job move with confidence? Are there more important things you should be focusing on right now like a close relationship you need to repair, getting healthier, caring for an ill family member, or serving your local community?”
Eikenberg continued: “While your work is important to you, you likely have other important things, too. When you really can’t make the mental room for change, you know it’s probably not the time to pile on a job change onto the stack.”